Adult Study Groups
Bible Study groups
Co-ed Bible Study
Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:00 am -- Everyone is invited to join us for lively discussion and probing questions as we ask “how does the there and then of this Scripture impact my life in the here and now?” Coffee provided. No prerequisites or text required, just bring a Bible, any translation.
Facilitator: Bill Selby.
Men’s Bible Study
Weekly Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm
Weekly Friday mornings, 6:30-7:30 am -- Join us in fall 2019 when we are using the book "A JOURNEY through ACTS" edited by The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, a priest and rector of a church in Whitemarsh in Fort Washington, PA. It is a 50 day challenge and we will be studying 5 days each session. The book has scripture passages each week along with a reflection for each day and two thought-provoking questions which we will use to engender conversation about Acts and our lives. Beginning November 2019 we will use "A JOURNEY through JOHN" by the same editor.
Facilitator: Tom Snead.
Women's Bible Study
Weekly Friday mornings, 10:00 am -- Join us as we study scripture and discuss its applications to our lives today. We strive to learn more about God and God’s relationship to humankind by reading selections from the Old and New Testament. We use a variety of materials to aid our discussions, including study guides, video presentations by biblical scholars, contemporary stories, and lively conversation.
Facilitators: Elizabeth Lopez and Diane Sanders.
Book Study Groups
Men’s monthly Book Study
Second Mondays, 6:30 pm -- All men are invited to read our selected books, and come to explore spirituality in community through discussions, fellowship, and meals. The group meets over a light dinner at the home of one of the group members.
Facilitator: Todd Smith.
Women’s monthly Book Study
Third Mondays, 10:00 am -- All women are invited to read our selected books, and come to explore spirituality in community through discussion and fellowship.
Facilitator: Barb Selby.