Finding Balance
Creating a Pattern of Life
During this time of pandemic, many of us have had more time to look at our lives with renewed awareness. As our work, play, worship, and rest patterns have changed, perhaps we have noticed that areas were out of balance. We may have noticed that there are things that feed our souls, as well. This time provides us with a unique opportunity to examine our lives and create a pattern that helps us connect to our bodies and souls, our loved ones, and to God. This pattern, also called a rule, helps shape our days so that we are not only the best selves that we can be, but also so that we are grounded in our faith. Using the Rule of St. Benedict as a guide, we will explore four areas of life (work, rest, relationships, and prayer) and craft a simple plan to bring balance and harmony into our lives. Not only can a rule of life give us the stability we need during an unsettled time, it can help us create the God-centered life we desire far beyond this current situation.
The topic for the week will be introduced every Wednesday afternoon (from June 17 to July 22) in a video that can be watched at any time. Supporting materials for journaling and digging deeper into the topic will be available on this web site, as well. Small group conversations will foster more exploration and provide a supportive community for those who wish to participate. Our first meeting to organize small groups will take place on Wednesday, June 24 at 6:00 pm.