A letter from your Stewardship Team
September 2023
Dear St. Catherine's,
God calls us to use our wealth, works and wisdom to care for one another in love. We answer this call imperfectly, but how we answer matters.
Over sixty years ago, St. Catherine’s was given the opportunity by the diocese to move to property on Johnson Ferry Road or to stay on Holt Road. The vestry’s response was to stay and “bloom where we are planted”.
As we were “planted” 62 years ago, we are now “rooted in abundance”, giving thanks to God and to those who came before us. We are the beneficiaries of a beautiful facility and many ties to this community. It is our responsibility to be good stewards of all the wonderful gifts that God has bestowed on St. Catherine’s over the years.
As we move into a post-pandemic world, we recognize that much has changed, including what people value, how they use their time and where they give their resources. Our work as a church is to remain curious and responsive to the call of Jesus: to follow, to serve, to seek, and to invite others to partner with us.
St. Catherine’s has a long-standing tradition of giving of our wealth through the generous plate offerings from Christmas and Easter to local agencies that do the work of the Gospel in Marietta. We also provide works and wisdom through ongoing partnerships with…
• Family Promise of Cobb County provides transitional housing for families
• MUST Ministries provides hot dinners and breakfasts each month
• Habitat for Humanity gives the gift of home ownership to families
• Communities in Schools provides students with education in life skills.
• American Red Cross hosts a blood drive every eight weeks.
• Monthly collections provide food and supplies for local non-profits
• Emmaus House provides Christmas gifts for children
• Simple Needs Georgia fills the gap of children’s needs, and unhoused people
And we serve the people of St. Catherine’s with
• Educational offerings led by volunteers on Sundays and weekdays.
• Stephen Ministers walking with those experiencing rough patches.
• Sonshine Ministries making meals for those experiencing temporary distress.
• Lawn and garden maintenance of our property.
• Altar, flower, music, readers, ushers & acolytes volunteers serving on Sundays.
Similar to the members of 62 years ago we see God moving in our midst in many ways, including welcoming new people into our community and welcoming back people who have been absent for some time. We also see an opportunity to invite the whole parish into meaningful conversations about what stewardship means to us as Christians, as a community of faith, and what impact it can have on the world we serve.
As we plan for an exciting fall and Advent season, two significant gaps exist that impact our ability to serve our members. We have about 33 families with 40 young children. Our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program puts a strong foundation in place for our youngest members. However, we need a part-time Young Families minister to plan meaningful events to serve them. Things like Vacation Bible Study, the Christmas pageant, Trunk-or-Treat fun and ongoing fellowship is key to connecting with these families.
In addition, pastoral care is critical to support people during stressful times. Our Stephen Ministers partner with the clergy to ensure we have the care we need to weather death, divorce, a newly-empty nest, illness and layoffs. An associate rector would ensure that Mother Sarah and Father Trey are not stretched too thin as they meet people where they are on their journey.
Please join us in our stewardship program this year, Rooted in Abundance, by participating in our small group discussions, outreach efforts, educational activities and Sunday worship services. We welcome your wisdom as we work together to move our parish forward.
The first week in October, you will be receiving a letter in the mail with a proportional giving card and a pledge card on which you can make a commitment of wealth and works as best fits your circumstances. We ask that you prayerfully consider what your response will be.
In deep gratitude,
St. Catherine’s 2024 Stewardship Team