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Finding God…Everywhere!

As we journey together this fall, our parish will seek to answer the big question: where are we finding God? Each week, you will see a key question that all children, youth, and adults will have the opportunity to discuss in their own classes and with each other (at home, over coffee, anytime or anywhere). The Adult Education classes all revolve around this larger theme, but are designed with specific focuses. 


While we are thrilled if you attend adult classes regularly, we welcome you to drop in or visit at any time. If you wish to join an All God's Children group, please contact the class facilitators. 



Finding God in the Lectionary

Beth Nabors

Although the Scripture readings that we hear each Sunday are very familiar, each time we hear them God speaks to us in a new way. Each week we discuss Sunday's lectionary. We look at these Bible passages in the context of when they were written, who wrote them, what happened before and after, what was going on in the world at that time. Was the Old Testament passage written before or after the Northern Kingdom had fallen? Was the Gospel reading written before or after the fall of the Temple? Where was Paul when he wrote the Epistle? And most importantly, what do these passages say to each of us today?


Finding God in (the) Every Day

Elizabeth Lopez and guest facilitators


Life in the 21st century can be fast paced and our experience of the world around us may feel disconnected from our experience of God at church. It might be hard to see God in action in all we do. This class will explore our patterns and places of daily living, encouraging all to share their own experiences, to reflect on ways they experience God between Sundays, and to deepen their relationship with God and others around them. Each week, we’ll focus on a different area such as social media, work, creation care, civic life, volunteering, relaxation, family, life stages, life crises, and more.


Finding God in the Frazzle

Sarah Fisher & Shannon Darke, with guest appearances from Deacon Jess


Designed especially for parents of children and youth, we’ll wonder together how to find the holy in the midst of everyday life, the messes, the confusion, the good stuff and the challenging stuff. This is an evolving class, so your ideas of areas you’d like to discuss are welcome. We’ll look at some different ways to pray and how we might develop household patterns that invite God into our everyday lives. 


Finding God in Seeking Justice

Althea Dillard and Harriett Pyburn

Micah 6:8 says “Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.”  In this class, we will discuss how we can translate God’s calling for us to seek justice in our daily actions.  We will use the book, “All God’s Children:  How Confronting Buried History Can Build Racial Solidarity,” by Dr. Terence Lester to guide us in this reflective work.  All are welcome to join us in this important conversation.

Classes meet on Sundays from 9:30 A.M. until 10:30 A.M. during the fall and spring.For more information about adult education at St. Cat’s contact Sarah Fisher.

Bible Study


Sunday Noon Bible Study: noon via Zoom; Ginny Acocella, facilitator


Tuesday Bible Study: 9:30 A.M. in the Church Library: Bill Selby, facilitator

Men’s Bible Study: Thursday at 7:00 P.M. on Zoom & 7:00 am Friday on Zoom: Tom Snead, facilitator

Women’s Bible Study: Friday at noon on Zoom: Elizabeth Lopez, facilitator

Monthly Book & Bible Study

Women's Evening Bible Study: Last Monday of the month at 7:00 P.M. on Zoom: Jan Potter & Katja Michael, facilitators

Other Small Groups


Resilience Groups: Caring for Aging Parents & Resilience in Parenting: These groups combine contemplative practice, conversation, and book study to create a community of shared wisdom & support for changes in life. 

Education for Ministry (EfM)

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a program of the University of the South that provides people with the education to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service. It is a deep dive into the study of the Bible, church history, and theology and is a four-year educational opportunity that meets evenings once a week from September to May. It is a time to study our collective church history and to work toward developing what we believe. The open discussion forum is a perfect place to develop your personal theology.

Registration is done each year. Class meets weekly September through May. A fee is required (some scholarships are available).

Chairs: Jan and Chris Potter

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