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Our worship blends traditional liturgy and beautiful music, rooted in our Anglican tradition. Each week, through the Holy Scriptures and Holy Eucharist, we experience God’s love and celebrate the resurrection. Our ancient liturgical practices guide us in the ways of Jesus Christ.


We offer Holy Eucharistor Communionin two kinds: bread and wine. You may receive bread alone or a blessing, with gluten-free options available.

A Note on Children in Worship:

We welcome children of all ages into our worship service. Children are signs of life and vitality. As we seek to include people of all ages and capabilities in our service, we joyfully embrace those who sometimes make a joyful noise! We remember the words of Jesus in Mark 10:14 "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them. For it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."

Should little ones (or their parents) need a break, we offer nursery care every Sunday from 8:15 AM-12:15 PM for infants through children age four. You are welcome to take your little one to childcare at any point during the service. Any of our ushers will guide and assist you. 

Our lobby also functions as a "cry room," if needed, replete with children's materials. It is a great location where parents can bring their children and still hear the service. 


Sunday Services.

8:30 A.M. | Holy Eucharist Service

A quicker service with fewer verses of hymns and sometimes accompanied with singing from our children's/youth choir. 


11:00 A.M. | Holy Eucharist Service w/ Chancel Choir

A formal and familiar service.  Full verses of hymns, more complex music, the leadership of our Chancel Choir and an often chanted liturgy will be the hallmarks of this service.

Other Services.

Healing Eucharistic Service | Every Wednesday | 11:00 a.m. 

A mid-week Eucharistic service that offers the laying on of hands and anointing for healing. 

"Wonder Church" | First Saturday of the Month | 4:00 p.m.

A service entirely for children and young familiesengaging music to get the wiggles out, hands on activities, suitable prayers, and holy fun! This service seeks to engage our children  fully in worship. 

For families who attend Wonder Church, we provide free childcare for parents/guardians immediately after the service from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Enjoy a parents night out!

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Ways to get involved.



Marble Surface

Acolytes - assist in worship by carrying the processional cross and
torches, lighting and extinguishing candles, and assisting the clergy in
the preparation of the altar for communion.


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Marble Surface

Lay Readers - assist the the clergy at various services and read the lessons, Psalms, and Prayers of the People.


Lay Eucharist Ministers - assist with serving Holy Communion during services.


Altar Servers

Hover over the boxes to learn more.
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Marble Surface

Altar Guild - enables the clergy to focus on the sacraments more
fully. Preparation includes
baking of the bread, ironing linens, and setting the credence tables.


Please contact Kelly at:

or Katja at: 

Altar Guild

Marble Surface

Flower Guild - creates beauty, through flowers to adorn the church for worship services and special events.


Please contact Emily at:

Flower Guild

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Marble Surface

Choir - provide worshipful, beautiful hymns and anthems for
services . Open to all adults and youth with no auditions. 

Choristers - for young people in grades 3-12 to sing and lead worship as a choir.


Please contact Dr. Chris at:


Marble Surface

Ushers/Greeters - perform functions of hospitality and space management on Sunday morning and special services.



Ushers / Greeters

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