If you have volunteered during any of MUST Ministries' 50 years, you may know their services to those in need include:
* Food - 3 client food pantries. Neighborhood pantries for at risk students from 100 schools. Summer lunches for children, senior food boxes and meals at the Loaves & Fishes Community Kitchen.
* Housing - Elizabeth Inn Shelter, supportive housing, veterans' housing, eviction prevention (Covid,) rapid rehousing. Tenant-Based rental assistance and hotel/motel vouchers.
* Workforce Development - Job coaching and assistance, career assessments, state of the art resumes, job-search techniques, interview skills and a jobs hotline.
* Healthcare - Two clinics (Mercy Care in Cobb and Bethesda Healthcare in Cherokee)
* Clothing and Hygiene Kits - clothing, coats, blankets, hygiene items and diapers
MUST Ministries has launched a fundraising campaign, "Seeds of Hope" with a goal of $50,000 to commemorate their "50 Years of Miracles - 1971 to 2021" and your donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated. You can either give at onrealm.org and designate your gift for "Outreach Special Collects" and note it is for MUST Ministries or you may donate at www.mustministries.org
For more information on monthly dinners we provide for guests at MUST Ministries' Elizabeth Inn, or to sign up for a future dinner service on the 28th of the month, please email or call Tracy Buckalew (tracyklpc@gmail.com 770.310.5917) and Connie Bergeron (connie@atlbergerons.net 404.819.0891)