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We welcome the opportunity to be a part of your “joining together” in Holy Matrimony.  


The Book of Common Prayer says “The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence and first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee.”

Any marriage or blessing at St. Catherine’s is celebrated within the Christian community and according to the rules, regulations, and Canons (laws) of the Episcopal Church.  

  • These Canons support the Christian truth that marriage is lifelong or as long as you both shall live.

  • The Episcopal Church requires that at least one of the two persons be a baptized Christian.

  • The Episcopal Church requires couples undergo pre-marriage counseling and our clergy is happy to help you. 

  • They require divorced persons obtain the consent of the Bishop.

Arrangements for the wedding must be confirmed with a clergy member at least six months in advance to allow time for counseling and service coordination with our amazing flower guild and talented musicians. Please do not plan for or publish a date for a wedding at St. Catherine’s until you have met with both a clergy person and our wedding coordinator. 

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