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A Letter from Mother Rebecca

To My St. Catherine’s Family, It is with mixed emotions that I let you know that my time at St. Catherine’s is coming to an end. I have accepted a call to serve as rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Cazenovia, NY and will begin my ministry there on November 1. Brad, Phoebe, and I will be moving into the rectory there at the end of October. While I am excited and can see God clearly at work in this call, it doesn’t make this transition easy. When Mo. Sarah and the search committee called me to serve as your curate in 2019, I knew that I had received a special blessing. You all welcomed me as one of your own, helped me grow as a priest and as a person, and you have marked me indelibly with your love of God, your generosity, and your joy. Over the past three years, we have shared tears and laughter, we have grown together spiritually, and you have trusted me in your times of need. Without all of you, I would not be the priest that I am today. There is something special about one’s first call — St. Catherine’s will always be in my heart, and you will continue to shape how I serve God in the years ahead. My last Sunday will be October 16. We will have time to say our goodbyes and perhaps shed a few tears, and I pray that we will also look with joy and hope to the future, as we watch for God’s unfolding work in the lives of the Roberts family and at St. Catherine’s. God’s peace, Rebecca+

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