On Wednesday, February 23 6-7:30 pm via Zoom, please join All God’s Children for our second workshop in the Speaker Series, which features Dr. Kyle Lambelet from Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Dr. Lambelet will be leading us through a reflection on Luke 4 and renunciation as we begin a journey toward Lent. The presentation is titled Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable: Renunciation in the way of Jesus, and a description can be found below.
The Zoom link will be:
Meeting ID: 834 8490 1136
Passcode: 30068
(For more information about the speaker, you can find his webpage at https://candler.emory.edu/faculty/profiles/lambelet-kyle.html)
Description: Racial healing is not only a social good worthy of pursuing, it is a spiritual practice. This hour-long workshop will take the journey of racial healing with Jesus into the desert. The desert is a liminal space, an uncomfortable space, a dangerous place. The desert reminds us that we cannot get to Beloved Community without leaving behind former ways of living, of thinking, of relating. Following Jesus and drawing on the contemplative traditions of the desert mothers and fathers, we will explore the renunciations that we may take up during the season of Lent that conduce to racial healing and justice. By renouncing the way that white supremacy inhabits our vocations, our images of God, and our thoughts about our selves, we will take the spiritual journey toward Beloved Community.