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As We Give Thanks...

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

During this week of Thanksgiving 2020 and gratitude for family, friends and blessings, please keep Nov. 28th and Dec. 28th in mind as St. Catherine's provides and serves dinner for the guests at MUST Ministries' Elizabeth Inn homeless shelter. If you are able to volunteer or make a donation, your support will be most appreciated.

This is a terrific opportunity to show love for our neighbors in Cobb County who are currently homeless and need food. To enhance safety precautions for volunteers, MUST has installed clear plastic separators between the kitchen and the guests serving line, and masks, hairnets and gloves are mandatory for servers. (Hairnets and gloves are provided by MUST.) Dinner service is at 6:30 pm sharp, so any volunteers should arrive by 5:45 pm at the latest, to help set up and prep the meal.

Based on current circumstances, we understand if you are not comfortable preparing and serving dinner on site. We could surely use donations to help pay for the Williamson Bros Barbecue chicken, the potato salad, the green salad (romaine and spinach) and cherry tomatoes, rolls and individually wrapped butter squares, and individually packaged assorted cookies for dessert. Reminder that no food items can be left at the church, so we invite you to donate monetarily to support this dinner that the guests always enjoy.

If you are able to help with dinner on the 28th of either November or December, please email Tracy and Connie, and we can send you the Sign Up Genius link to confirm. If you would like to donate funds, contributions may be made through Realm. Rose Wolfe has created an Outreach Special Collections giving option in Realm. Please put "MUST Dinner" in the memo line.

As we read last Sunday in Matthew 25, the righteous asked Jesus, "Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’"

In that scriptural context, our parish's ongoing support for those in need is truly remarkable, and we are deeply grateful that, in spite of the challenges in the world, the guests at Elizabeth Inn can rely on our delicious dinner on the 28th of every month - With help from St. Catherine's!


Tracy and Connie

MUST Elizabeth Inn Dinner Coordinators

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