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Celebration of Solemn Communion 2020

The Catechists of St. Catherine’s are offering a Celebration of Solemn Communion, starting on Sunday, March 1, 2020. Children in grades 1 through 5 are invited to participate in this journey to intentionally prepare for and mindfully participate in the Holy Eucharist.

The Episcopal Church believes that Holy Baptism is the “full initiation ... into Christ’s Body the Church.” In practical terms this means that all baptized people are welcome to receive the Sacrament of the Body and the Blood of Christ. Many children are baptized as infants. This means that many children do not ever remember a time in which they were not welcome to receive communion. This gives us the opportunity to teach them about the Eucharist when they are mature enough to enter into such formation, thus, Solemn Communion.

Jesus often rebuked his disciples when they discounted children. It is through their hearts and words that we as adults are often given the grace of insight into the Church, in general, and in the Sacrament, in particular. The children understand the presence of Jesus in the body and blood in ways that animate their participation in our worship.

We encourage you to speak with your child and be a part of this journey with them – you might even learn something yourself. We are each on a faith journey in which we are learning more, and more about the God who loves us and invites us into His being – join and support your child on their spiritual path.

The four weekly Sunday afternoon sessions begin on March 1, followed by a Saturday retreat day on March 28, and culminate with a Celebration of Holy Eucharist at the 8:45 am service on March 29. There is a $40 materials fee for each child with scholarship money available if the cost is a hindrance. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, February 23.

Want to help? We would appreciate volunteers to help with the sewing of simple gowns. Please see your child's catechist for more information or contact Alison Harris or Laurie Dirksen.

We look forward to sharing this experience with your children and you.

In the Joy of the Good Shepherd,

The Level II and III Catechists

Alison Harris, Ana Martin, Laurie Dirksen, and Karen Maxwell

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