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HUNGER WALK!!! Benefits the Atlanta Food Bank and Episcopal Communities

Foundation.- THIS SUNDAY: March 6 from 12-4pm

Location: The Home Depot Backyard. Go to (NOT .COM!) Click on the Hunger Walk

Register pop-up and you can find out all kinds of information there. It’s a great activity that raises lots of

money while being a totally fun and friendly event. You can walk, run or support our team virtually. St.

Catherine’s has participated for decades! Questions? Contact Trey Philips

COLLECTIONS for March will go to Communities in Schools. Across the country, approximately

1 in 5 children under the age of 18 live in poverty. These are disproportionately children of color who

already struggle with issues of access and equity. Without community support, they are more at risk for

missing school, dropping out and failing to earn a high school diploma. CIS surrounds students with a

community of support, empowering them to stay in School and achieve in life. Each Sunday in March, we

will be collecting:

$5-$10 gift cards for fast food, Target, Walmart etc for attendance incentives

New underwear and socks - especially middle school and high school sizes

New or gently used books for elementary through high school ages

Have an EBT card you’d like to use for donations? This Amazon list that will ship directly to


For questions, please contact Molly Banko.

SIMPLE NEEDS GEORGIA. While agencies focused on vulnerable populations are doing great work,

most focus on the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and job training. SNGA seeks to “fill in the cracks”

by meeting other unmet, but important, needs. It is in these simple acts—bringing a tent to a person living

in the woods, or providing birthday gifts to a homeless child—that we help connect people with the

services that can improve their lives. Donations are accepted the First and Third Saturdays of each

month. Go to for list of current needs. Located off Cobb Parkway in Marietta.

MUST Breakfast and Dinner Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for this month’s Elizabeth Inn dinner. The time commitment for cooking and

serving is from 5:45-7:15. It's fast, easy, rewarding, and greatly appreciated by the guests and staff. We

are continuing with MUST's requirements by purchasing all the food rather than asking for food


Masks, gloves, and hairnets are required and provided. MUST also require volunteers to wear closed-

toed shoes. Bring an apron, too, if you come to serve. If you are unable to serve, please consider a

donation to help with food costs. To donate funds use Realm, Outreach Special Collects and put MUST

Dinner in the memo line.

St Cats has served dinner at the shelter once a month for over 35 years. If you have any questions or

want to be sent the Sign Up Genius link please feel free to call Tracey Buckalew or Stephanie Langmaid.

All God’s Children MLK Day Service Project Rescheduled for March 11:

The Gardening project at Cobb Co. Schools International Welcome Center in Marietta will be held on Friday, March

11, 10:00am-1:00pm. The address is 1870 Teasley Dr. Smyrna, 30080. (See Sign-Up Genius on calendar)

Volunteers should bring work gloves and any gardening/landscaping supplies they wish to bring. We will be

preparing soil for planting, getting bushes and plants in the ground, setting pavers and garden bench, and applying

mulch. We welcome all who are available! Please sign-up on Sign-up Genius. More information will follow before

the project date. For more information contact Maggie Paon,

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