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MUST & Special Thanks

Sunday, November 28th, some wonderful St. Catherine's volunteers wrapped up their Thanksgiving Holiday weekend by prepping and serving dinner for the guests at the MUST Elizabeth Inn! Our great dinner chefs included Margaret Shaw, Bettye Harris, Linda Scott, Tracy Buckalew, Cherice Barr and a terrific lady who asked to join our dinner team. Special thanks to everyone for your time and gift of hospitality to support this monthly volunteer opportunity that has been an important part of St. Catherine's Outreach program for more than 40 years.

Thank you also to Fred & Jennifer Massey for hosting the Williamson Bros BBQ chickens every month of 2021. PLEASE NOTE: During a special Outreach meeting on November 30, the committee voted to re-allocate funds that had been budgeted to cover monthly chicken purchases (that, thanks to the Masseys' sponsorship, were not spent) to a special ingathering request from MUST Ministries to support 16 clients who lost everything in a fire on Nov. 8. The MUST team rushed to their aid and immediately moved them into a hotel while working to obtain new prescriptions, personal items, food and stable housing for the future. For details please see link:

By making the donation on Giving Tuesday, the $1,000 donation was doubled by a special matching grant, so St. Catherine's gift became $2,000 resulting in even more support for this organization that does so much for those in need in Cobb County. If you would like to make a donation, please click on and if you want to designate your funding, you may mark your gift "MUST Fire Fund."

Your Vestry will be providing dinner service on Tuesday, December 28th. If you, or a group you are a member of, are interested in signing up to join our great MUST dinner teams on the 28th of the month in the coming New Year, please email or call Tracy Buckalew ( 770.310.5917.) Reminder as well regarding MUST Ministries' 50th Anniversary fundraising campaign, "Seeds of Hope" with a goal of $50,000 to commemorate their "50 Years of Miracles - 1971 to 2021" and your donation of any amount will be definitely appreciated. We hope you will please make a donation at MUST's New "Hope House" shelter construction is nearly complete, and Hope House is due to open in early 2022, increasing capacity from the current 72 beds at Elizabeth Inn to 136 beds plus 36 "flex" beds in case of inclement weather. Thank you to everyone who gives time, talent, funds and heart to help the homeless and those in need of a hot meal or any of the other services provided by MUST Ministries. You are so appreciated, and we are grateful for your partnership.

Connie Bergeron

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