Wednesday, June 26, 2019
9:30 am in Parish Hall
Our MUST Summer Lunch Making Day (just one this year) is coming soon! Come to the Parish Hall on Wednesday, June 26 at 9:30 am. All youth and adults are welcome to come pack!
NEW this year . . . Due to new county health regulations, we are not able to make sandwiches. Therefore, we will only be prepping sandwich bags with the salty and sweet snacks and drinks. We are making 2,000 lunch bags in ONE DAY! However, we NEED donations of at least 1,000 juice boxes and 500 sweet snacks.
-> Juice boxes, sweet snacks -- See the donation table set up in the foyer with samples and a collection bin. Please bring Costco/Sams/BJs/Walmart sized donations.Books -- We are also collecting books again this year to be handed out to the kids on Fridays each week. Gently used, non-religious, non-violent books for all ages, preschool through high-school.
-> Monetary donations are welcomed! Please make checks out to St. Catherine's with “MUST Summer Lunches” in the memo line.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Massey at Jennifer Massey / 404-375-8327 or Suzanne McGhee / 678-361-5194.