In preparation for the 2020 Youth Pilgrimage to Nova Scotia, the YA Class is hosting a JAZZ BRUNCH AND AUCTION on Sunday, February 9, 2020 immediately following the 11:15 am service. Please save the date, as you won’t want to miss this festive event. Tickets will be $25 and will go on sale January 12 (note: nursery, childcare, and youth activities will be available for $5/child with advanced reservation, lunch included).
Why the change?
You may be asking, “Where is the Valentine Dinner Dance?” This year, we are trying something different. A Jazz Brunch is perfect for the season, it allows us to invite more people to attend and offer new and festive food and drink, it is more of a community-focused event, and it hopefully will broaden the scope of our attendees since we are including childcare. Don’t worry – the Valentine’s Dinner Dance is not gone for good, but we are very excited to host this new and festive event!
Awesome! How can I help?
Besides saving the date and attending the Jazz Brunch in February, if you have an opportunity to donate something for our live auction (e.g., tickets to shows or sporting events, vacation homes, etc.), we would be thrilled! Another option is to place a “WISH” with the youth (name a service you need, as many details as possible including date and hours / numbers of people needed, and a price you are willing to pay). The youth with let you know by January if they have someone available to fulfill your wish. All proceeds will go directly towards the pilgrimage trip in May. Please contact Sally Benton if you are able to donate for our live auction or submit a Youth Wish, and she will have a member of the YA class get in touch with you. Thank you!