AND… because we are physical beings (as well as spiritual ones) we want not only the good vibes of this place, but also the walls, the roof, the windows, the pews, the plumbing, the kitchen, the heat and the A/C (especially the A/C during this very hot season). Could we be the holy community and family that we are if we didn’t have these facilities? I know that we could, but I am glad we don’t have to try.
We are not the only folk who take shelter in God’s house -for that is really whose house and household we’re talking about. There’s a rejuvenated Scout troop meeting on campus. There’s a 12-step program that offers a path forward to those seeking one. There is a pre-school where children grow and learn. And four times a year, Jesus stays in our Youth House - in the moms, dads, and children who are our Family Promise guests.
A part of our collective stewardship is to remember that these facilities - just like our personal dwellings - take money to keep going. We have a mortgage. We pay insurance. We need to replace appliances (cue the NEW refrigerator that Fr. Trey blessed during the Pentecost Picnic).
Stewardship for me is being aware of all my blessings, and being grateful to be able to give some of the material blessings to St.Catherine’s. People long, long ago shared their blessings so that this church could come to life. I share now so that it will be there for the next generations.
Thanks be to God.
Margaret Shaw