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Stewardship Small Group Gatherings

A member of the clergy will be present at each gathering as well. Light refreshments will be served. We will talk briefly about the stewardship campaign and the hopes we have for our future. But most of our time will be spent on getting to know each other better, discussing what makes St. Cat’s special, and building friendships that are our hallmark. We are offering a couple of different opportunities to gather: Sharing our Stories: In these groups, you’ll have a chance to share a story or two about your life at St. Cat’s, while hearing about other people’s journeys. We’ll explore what matters most to us about our life together. Stewardship 101: Everything you never wanted to know about stewardship: Every fall we talk about stewardship, but what is it really? What’s the difference between giving to the plate and giving a pledge? Why does it matter? As it turns out, Mother Sarah is a die-hard stewardship nerd, who loves to talk about the spiritual power of giving and living generously. She’ll tell you a bit of her journey and how, one fateful night in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, stewardship turned her world upside down. We hope you'll sign up today! Just click this link and sign up for the time that works best for you. Your host will contact you with details about where to go and where to park. Whether you're brand new at St. Cat's or have been here for decades, on behalf of your Vestry and Stewardship team, I hope you'll join a group and be part of this conversation and community. With abundant hope and much love, Sarah+


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