It's time to consider if you would like to serve on the Vestry of St. Catherine's. We will soon elect four new vestry members to serve three-year terms. You may nominate yourself or someone else (with their permission).
Potential members have a commitment to Jesus Christ, the Gospel and the Church, in regular attendance and service, a good steward in areas of our church life, and willing to attend the winter retreat and half-day fall retreat. A list of the members who are eligible will be available with nomination forms in your bulletin and at church beginning this Sunday, November 10, or view the list of eligible members here.
Nominations are due by December 1, 2019. The slate of candidates will be announced Sunday, January 5, and the election will be held at all services on January 19, 2020 (day of the Parish Annual Meeting). If a runoff is necessary, it will be held during the Annual Meeting. You must be present in the service to cast a ballot.
Serving on the Vestry is a highly rewarding ministry that invites us to care for the Church spiritually and temporally.. If you would like to discuss further the role and expectations of vestry, please feel free to contact the members of the nominating committee: Senior Warden Keith Dumke, Nelson Gale, Carol Eskew, Diane Sanders, Michael Wherry.