“And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

All God’s Children strives to engage the St. Catherine’s community in the Episcopal Church’s work of racial healing and reconciliation, diversity and inclusion and economic and social justice to ensure that we are catalysts for change at St. Catherine’s and beyond.
Through the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, we acknowledge and embrace that our goal is to create “beloved community “ through these four key areas of focus:
Growing Together as a Ministry
Reaching Out in Love Across Our Parish
Advocating and Working for Transformation in Our Parish
Speaking Out, Reaching Out and Helping Out in Our Larger Community

Activities Include:
Recognizing and celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, Black History Month and Juneteenth with activities, outreach and service
Partnering with the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing for opportunities to learn and grow with others in the Diocese of Atlanta
Offering Christian formation classes centered on Finding God in Seeking Justice
Journeying together on an annual pilgrimage to significant locations across the South to further our understanding of the past and how we can impact the future
Fostering a spirit of love and shared vision for every ministry team at St. Catherines to reflect the mission of All God’s Children
For more information, please email allgodschildrenmarietta@gmail.com.