Additional dates:
Sunday, October 13, 3pm. First In St. Catherine’s Concert Series this year presents the Amadeus String Ensemble. We thought an early dinner out together after the concert would make for a totally wonderful day. Please RSVP to Barb,, or Linda if you would like to come.
TBD, luncheon in a restaurant around town. If you have suggestions, please let Barb Perry or me know.
Possible trip to the Etowah Indian Mountains, just south of Cartersville. Interested? Let us know!
Sunday, December 8, 3:00pm. —Michael O’Neal Singers Christmas Concert, Roswell United Methodist Church, 814 Mimosa Blvd., Roswell. Reservations are required - $30. We will provide the reservation website in October.
ALSO, just to alert you to things happening around town (and beyond):
Helen Slaven suggests:
And from Bill Sapp and Pam Phillips:
Tonight with the Impressionists,the Beginnings of Impressionism in virtual reality. offered in Atlanta during September thru December 8.
Further details on all these events as time gets closer. However, you’re welcome to express interest at any time to or