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4Ward (Young Adults)

4Ward (previously “YA”—Young Adults in the Church) is the third and final level of the Journey to Adulthood curriculum. It serves as a bridge between everything learned on the journey so far through Rite-13 and J2A and life as an adult church member. 4Ward emphasizes maturity and does so through its emphasis on mentorship and its milestone events of Pilgrimage and Confirmation. Pilgrimage is a cornerstone of the J2A Curriculum. It is a holy adventure for our teens as they go in search of their own encounter with Christ, both individually and as a group. Some previous pilgrimage destinations include Costa Rica, Italy, Belize, Ireland, and Scotland! After the pilgrimage, youth begin formal conversations about Confirmation and are given the opportunity to make a personal, mature commitment to the faith and their baptismal covenant. 

Senior Class

The Senior Class (held in alternative years as needed) spends their last year in the youth program reflecting on past experiences, embracing their identity as full members of the Church, and contemplating life’s “next steps.” This year emphasizes and develops their class leadership. Leadership is encouraged through senior sermons, mentoring younger students, planning events, discussing what it means to live as a Christian in college, leading Diocesan events, and participating in the church’s various ministries.

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