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A Relection by Sue Snape, All God's Children

How many times have you recited something in church because you know it verbatim,

but you just didn’t stop and think about what you are actually saying? What does this

phrase, hymn, reading actually mean? What does it mean to me today?

I was baptized as a young child. I was twelve. Did I really know what I was ‘agreeing’

to? I think I did at the time, but as I have recently begun to renew my Baptismal Vows,

the words and their meaning have made more of an impact on me. The impact has

been greater in these past two years than ever before. And I’m actually listening and

hearing the words. Are you?


Celebrant: Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as


People: I will, with God’s help.

Celebrant: Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the

dignity of every human being?

People: I will, with God’s help.


This year I turned 51. While some things in life feel much easier, others things are

pulling at my heart, tugging at my need to make a tiny but hopefully large change in our

world and I am also more willing and eager to get myself into ‘good trouble’. Our new

ministry at St. Catherine’s, All God’s Children, has been that support system for me to

uphold, support and act on my Baptismal Vow that made me stop and think more deeply

than ever before.

Now to the uncomfortable part. Racism. I never thought I was racist. I started educating

myself and doing some reading and some internal work and quickly learned that I have

a lot of work to do. I’m just beginning. And while I will only speak for myself, it doesn’t

matter how you were raised, what your parents thought/think, what state you grew up in

or who you currently work with. You probably have work to do as well.

Back in August, our tiny but mighty group presented this new ministry to the Vestry and

it was voted on and approved. A few weeks later we held a Town Hall to present our

thoughts, missions, plans and to invite others to walk with us as we do this incredibly



Town Hall

Individual Testimonies

If you were not able to attend the Town Hall, you can listen to it here. (The video quality

is not great, but it’s the words spoken that are most important.)

In addition, a few of us recorded a testimonial to share with others. Why are we doing

this work? I had been thinking about how I would best answer this question for weeks,

and while the 45 year old me would have properly set up the lighting, my hair and

maybe mascara, the 51 year old me doesn’t care, and so the thoughts that came clear

to me were while I was meditating in my kayak on a still, quiet morning on the lake.

You are invited to listen to the words of all of us.

You are invited to consider the work that you feel led to do.

You are invited to join us in this work once in a while, when you feel called and you are

certainly invited to join us in January for a new Sunday Adult Formation group to hold

one another accountable and supported in incredibly difficult and wonderful

conversations. I cannot say enough about how these conversations I have had in the

past two years have changed my heart and my mind in serving and loving God. Feel

free to contact me directly if you would like to have a conversation.

I am planning on getting into more Good Trouble. Come with me.

Peace and Love,

Sue Snape

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