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All God's Children

A reflection by Audrey Nesbit

It is February and it is the annual period where we are all reminded of the many contributions, inventions and achievements that African American's have made.

Carter Goodwin Woodson established Black history week, which ultimately morphed into Black history month. The timing was meant to coincide with Abraham Lincoln who "freed the slaves" and Frederick Douglas founder of the abolishionist movement, birthday's.

Why have a Black history month in the first place?

History has shown that no value was placed nor acknowledgement given to the significant contributions that Black Americans made to this country. All of them helping to move America forward. Woodson's establishment of this observance and subsequent civil rights leaders promotion, helped propel awareness into the mainstream of American's consciousness. Still today there exists a divide between African American achievement or history and American history. The question becomes if we are all Americans why is that so? Is it not like saying that we are not all one body in Christ? "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. "

As Christians we have not earned mercy but were granted mercy through Jesus Christ. Yet often times we extend it grudginly or not at all. How can the body not acknowledge all of its parts? Do not all parts make up the body? How can the body ever be whole, if a part is missing or unrecognized?

African American's while not always being embraced by the country of their birth did not allow their inventive and creative spirit to be dampened. But instead continued to maintain the desire to achieve, excel and contribute to this nation. African American history is American history. The sooner we all acknowledge this fact, the sooner the body will truly be whole.

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